Under New Management
I asked you a question, Ms. Caldwell. https://t.co/3DnMLcuwL7https://t.co/6iJDz36T30
— Greg Fisher ?? (@creditscoring) October 13, 2018
Brian L. Roberts, the CEO of Comcast (the parent company of NBC News) published, "In the ad released in early October, the narrator attacks Grimes' challenger, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, for 'giving amnesty and taxpayer funded benefits to 3 million illegal aliens.'" n74263 - #1401a - #McconnellBind - #Error1 - #falseinformation - #NBCNews - #Comcast - #falsity
Caldwell, L. A. (2014, October 15). Alison Lundergan Grimes' Bad Day Got Worse. Retrieved February 8, 2019, from https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/alison-lundergan-grimes-bad-day-got-worse-n226526
That is not true. Mcconnell was Senate Minority Leader when that article was published in October, 2015. He became Majority Leader in January, 2015 after the Republican party gained control of the upper house of the legislature. The humble photo caption is right ("Grimes will face Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.") while the article is wrong.
@LACaldwellDC https://t.co/g2AvPUa4IN He's not the majority leader-- and never has been. #1401a #creditscore #McBind
— Greg Fisher ?? (@creditscoring) December 22, 2014